We welcome all kinds of writers and most importantly those who are love enough to keep a personal interest in the tech topics. We encourage individuals who believe they can create sensible and authentic content for our website because our primary goal is to ensure that every piece of information published on our website is reliable and beneficial for the readers. We do not demand a continuous supply of work from our writers, we rather opt for quality over quantity because time spent on improvement is always better than time spent on creating repetitive content. 

Prothotsy.com is giving you an enormous chance to reach a vast audience through the power of your words. contribute tech and digital marketing guest post for us, get it published in world, Easy right? Read below to learn how.

Table of Contents

Why Submit Your Tech Guest Post at prothotsy.com?

Our website is a hub of tech-related Apps, reviews, and features which is why we are always looking for talented writers whose tech-related knowledge can add quality and validity to our content. 

To ensure that such incredible achievements are shared with the people and the world retains its successful timeline, we use the platform of Prothotsy.com where hundreds of writers help us in releasing the latest Apps, features, and reviews about the latest tech trends in the market.

If you believe that you have the power to fascinate our daily readers with your hi-tech knowledge about the future world then you must send us a guest post immediately at our email address i.e., prothotsy@gmail.com.

We urge our writers to bring wisdom to such people who require more knowledge on the latest tech advancements and how they can prove to be fruitful for them in the future.

Introduction to Technology Guest PostingWhere information is readily accessible, guest posting has come out as a powerful tool for individuals and businesses alike. Particularly in the tech industry, where advancements occur at a breakneck pace, contributing guest posts allows professionals to share their perspectives, insights, and discoveries with a global audience. Whether you’re a seasoned expert or a budding follower, there’s immense value in participating in this collaborative exchange of ideas.
Understanding Tech Guest Post GuidelinesBefore go ahead on your guest posting journey, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the guidelines of the target website. Each platform may have specific requirements regarding content length, formatting, and tone. Take the time to research the website thoroughly and ensure that your submission aligns with its audience and editorial standards. By adhering to these guidelines, you increase the likelihood of your post being accepted and published.
Choosing Tech Relevant TopicsWhen selecting topics for your guest posts on tech, consider the interests and preferences of the target audience. Keep abreast of current tech trends and identify areas where you can offer unique insights or perspectives. Whether it’s exploring the latest advancements in artificial intelligence or delving into the ethical implications of data privacy, choose topics that resonate with readers and showcase your expertise in the field.
Optimizing Your Content for SEOOptimizing your guest posts for SEO is key for maximizing their visibility and reach. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant terms and phrases that resonate with your target audience. Integrate these keywords naturally throughout your content, including in headings, subheadings, and meta descriptions. Additionally, focus on creating high-quality, informative content that addresses the needs and interests of your audience, as search engines prioritize relevance and user experience.
Tech stands for TechnologyTechnology is commonly referred to as Tech in the IT & business sectors. It can be expanded into a variety of different branches, a few of which are listed below:
Guest Posting On tech in details

How to send a guest post?

If you are willing to give yourself a chance at writing tech-relating content on our website, then you must create a guest post for us. In this write for us post, you must pick a topic of your own choice and peoples will like and supports. From Mobiles, iPhone Apps, Ipad Apps, and Android Apps to Software and Networking, you have a long list of topics to choose from. Even if you are an expert on tech reviews, suggestions, tips, or tricks on how to keep your tech gadget apps working for a long period of time, you are welcome at prothotsy email us at: prothotsy@gmail.com

Guest post Technology

A few of the hottest topics currently circulating in the market are Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Mixed Reality, Security Systems, Automation & Robotic Process Automation (RPA). As the tech industry is moving forward, many people are seeking better options to enhance their:

  • Technical skills 
  • Financial security
  • Earning strategies

What happens after you submit your guest post?

After you submit your guest post, our team reviews it thoroughly to make sure that it doesn’t go against our guidelines. Once we make sure that it fits our blog from all possible angles, we approve your guest post and then contact you to inform you that your submitted article will be published on our website. We will provide you with the link to the published article and since we will be the one posting this article, it will stay on our blog for as long as Prothots is running. We might ask you to edit your guest post or we might do it ourselves. You will only get informed if we accept your guest post, however, if you don’t get a response from us for over 2-3 days then it means that we have rejected your guest post. 

What We’re Looking For: 

We welcome contributions from people who have a strong interest in technology-related subjects and can provide their own opinions, experiences, and knowledge. We want you to add your voice to our forum if you’re a digital expert, gaming blogger, SEO influencer, or just someone who is passionate about leading a business of happiness.

What we are NOT looking for:

1: Articles that have already been published elsewhere

2: Articles that are promotional, plagiarised and/or of low-quality quality

Why Write for Us On Technology?

Why Write for Us On Technology?

Writing for a technology platform like Prothots can be an enriching experience that offers numerous benefits. This detailed guide will explore the various reasons why you should consider contributing to our site, Prothots, and how it can help you grow as a writer and professional. We’ll also provide a comprehensive breakdown in table form to give you a clear understanding of the advantages and guidelines for writing with us.

1. Share Your ExpertiseSharing your knowledge with a wider audience can be very fulfilling. As a writer for Prothots, you have the chance to educate and inspire readers with your insights into the tech world. Whether it’s artificial intelligence, blockchain, cybersecurity, or any other tech topic, your expertise can help others learn and grow.
2. Build Your Professional ProfilePublishing articles on Prothots helps you build your professional profile. It showcases your expertise and positions you as an authority in your field. This can be especially beneficial for your career, as it demonstrates your knowledge and commitment to staying current with industry trends.
3. Network with Industry ProfessionalsWriting for Prothots allows you to connect with other industry professionals. This can open up opportunities for collaboration, networking, and professional growth. You’ll be part of a community of tech enthusiasts and experts who share your passion.
4. Improve Your Writing SkillsRegularly contributing to Prothots helps you refine your writing skills. You’ll learn to communicate complex ideas clearly and engagingly, which is a valuable skill in any profession.
5. Increase Your VisibilityOur platform has a large and diverse audience. Writing for Prothots means your articles will reach a wide range of readers, increasing your visibility and influence in the tech community.
6. Contribute to the Tech CommunityBy sharing your knowledge and insights, you help support and grow the tech community. Your articles can inspire, inform, and educate other professionals and enthusiasts.
7. Formatting and ReferencesUse clear headings and subheadings to organize your content. Bullet points and numbered lists can help make your article more readable. and site your sources where necessary. This adds credibility to your content.
Why Write for Us On Technology?

What Topics Can You Write For Us About?

What Topics Can You Write For Us About?

Prothots covers a wide array of technology topics. Here are some of the areas you can explore:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Cybersecurity
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Software Development
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Big Data 
  • Cloud Computing
  • DevOps
  • Cybersecurity
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) 
  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • Data Analytics
  • Robotics
  • Smart Home Automations
  • (VR) Virtual Reality
  • AR (Augmented Reality)
  • Mixed Reality
  • Software 
  • Networking
  • Tech Strategies, trends & tips
  • Insight on:
  • Iphone Apps
  • Ipad Apps
  • Android Apps
  • General Mobile Settings
  • Mobile Reviews
  • VR Headsets
  • Tablets
  • Gaming PC
  • Printers
  • LED & Monitors
  • Macbooks & Laptops
  • Electronics
  • Spy Gadgets
  • CCTV & Recording Stuff
  • Tech Industry News
  • Gadget Reviews
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Programming Languages
  • Cloud Computing

Type Of Content You Can Write For Prothots

Type Of Content You Can Write For Prothots

At Prothots, We consistently welcome guest blogs from professionals in allied business tech disciplines and technological concepts. Readers include clients, job candidates, web designers, developers, marketing owners, and freshmen in college. This broad audience is looking for knowledge that is smart, useful, and applicable. 
To help maintain the quality and relevance of our content, we have established guidelines for guest post submissions. Please read these guidelines carefully before submitting your article. 

Our readers are mostly technology supporter. Therefore, we accept articles on the following topics: 

1. Approaching Technologies 

All technological advancements have the potential to significantly impact the marketplace, even if they are still in their early stages. Examples include computer science, the blockchain system, and quantum computing. Articles regarding emerging technologies should look at their benefits, drawbacks, and potential applications. They should be experimental, providing ideas about the many projects and effects of these technologies on various marketplace sectors.

2. Technological Frameworks 

It is simple for managing areas of IT and providing services related to IT to get out of hand. Organizations that use a wide variety of technologies run the risk of becoming disorganized, unorganized, and overwhelmed. 

However, organizations do not tolerate errors in technology. IT issues can increase efficiencies that cause long-term problems or result in sensitive data getting into the wrong hands.

3. Disruptive Tech solutions 

Technology that can change an existing market by following a set of patterns is known as disruptive technology. An invention may initially target a specific audience before eventually surpassing its predecessor in market share. 

Solutions Disruptive technology ideas 

The concept of disruptive innovation holds that a new product or service may upend market leaders and even completely change an established sector if it outperforms or is less expensive than the competition. Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen first introduced the concept of disruptive innovation in the Harvard Business Review (HBR) in 1995. 

5G technologies 

What does it mean to use 5G technology? Since it will result in changes to the telecommunications sector, the topic has received a lot of attention in the past year. The Internet of Things, or IoT, will undoubtedly become part of our daily lives with 5G. All gadgets will be able to connect and exchange data quickly thanks to this innovative technology. 

Modern Virtual reality Technology

When we discuss advanced virtual reality, we usually refer to entertainment. Still, in many other respects, this technology truly is a revolution. At Repsol, we employ the Digital Twins approach to model our plants. As a result, we may launch a virtual simulation model that is more useful and responsive to changes in the environment. 

4. Digital marketing 

Digital marketing is a vital component of any modern business strategy. We commonly refer to all online marketing initiatives as digital marketing, also known as online marketing. Businesses utilize digital platforms like search engines, social media, e-mail, and more websites to establish connections with both their present and potential clientele. This also encompasses text and multimedia messaging.

Guest Post Submission Guidelines: Write for Us

Guest Post Submission Guidelines: Write for Us

Contributing guest posts to our platform is a great opportunity to share your expertise and insights with a wider audience. We welcome original, high-quality content that provides value to our readers. To ensure your submission meets our standards, please follow the detailed guidelines below.

1# Use Original Content

1: Importance of Originality

When submitting content, originality is paramount. All submissions must be your own work, and you must have the right to use any material included. Original content not only enhances your credibility but also ensures the integrity of our platform.

2# Attribution and Citations

Accurately attribute all quotes and extracts. Proper citation is crucial in maintaining the trustworthiness of your content. Use standard citation formats and include links to original sources where applicable. This practice not only respects the work of others but also enriches your article with verified information.

3# Not Be Self-Promoting

1: Relevant Links

While you may include a link to your website or blog if it is relevant, the content should not be promotional. Avoid including affiliate links or advertorials. The primary goal is to offer valuable information to the reader, not to advertise products or services.

2: Community Focus

Remember, the objective is to assist the creator community. Your article should aim to inform, educate, or entertain without pushing a sales agenda. This approach helps maintain the integrity of our content and fosters a more genuine connection with the audience.

4# Be Free of Errors

1: Proofreading

Ensure your submission is free from typos and grammatical errors. Articles with multiple errors can detract from the credibility of the content and the platform. Thorough proofreading is essential before submission.

2: Length Requirements

Submissions should be between 1,000 and 3,000 words in length. This range allows for in-depth exploration of topics while maintaining reader engagement. Ensure your content is concise and focused on the main points.

5# Permit Edits

1: Editorial Rights

We reserve the right to edit your content. This may involve correcting typos, grammatical errors, and inaccuracies, as well as improving the title. Editing ensures the article meets our style and quality standards.

2: Image Adjustments

Images may also be added or removed to fit our size and style requirements. Visual content should complement the text and adhere to our guidelines for clarity and relevance.

6# Allow Sharing

1: Platform Rights

By submitting an article, you agree to allow us to share your work on our blog, social media, and in digital and print projects. This broadens the reach of your content and amplifies its impact.

2: Content Distribution

Our platform aims to distribute quality content widely. Allowing us to share your work helps build your reputation as a thought leader in your field.

7# Don’t Use the Same Content Elsewhere

1: Exclusive Publication

Please refrain from republishing the content on multiple sites. Exclusive content helps maintain its value and uniqueness. Duplicate content can harm SEO performance and diminish the perceived value of your work.

8# Commitment to Originality

Submitting exclusive content demonstrates your commitment to providing fresh, valuable insights to our audience.

9# We Don’t Guarantee Publishing Your Article

1: Submission Review

Submission does not guarantee publication. Each article undergoes a review process to ensure it meets our standards for quality and relevance. This process is necessary to maintain the high standards of our platform.

2: Feedback and Revisions

If your article is not accepted, we may provide feedback and suggestions for improvement. We encourage revisions and resubmissions to meet our guidelines.

10# Correct SEO Format

1: Content Quality

Adhere to general guidelines about content quality. This includes proper keyword density, use of heading tags, sentence length, and overall readability. SEO-friendly content enhances visibility and engagement.

2: Keyword Usage

Use relevant keywords naturally throughout the article. Avoid keyword stuffing, which can negatively impact readability and SEO performance. Focus on providing valuable content that addresses the needs and interests of your audience.

3: Heading Tags

Proper use of heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) helps organize the content and improves SEO. Headings should clearly indicate the structure and main points of the article.

11# Infographics

1: Relevance and Quality

Include at least one relevant infographic in your article. Infographics should be a maximum of 40 KB in size and must add value to the content. High-quality visual aids can significantly enhance reader engagement and comprehension.

12# Visual Content Guidelines

Ensure that your infographics are clear, informative, and directly related to the topic. They should complement the text and provide a visual summary of key points.

13# Time

1: Publication Timeline

It typically takes 2 to 4 business days to publish your article. However, this timeframe may be extended if we identify errors or missing information. Timely and thorough submission reviews help maintain content quality.

2: Patience and Communication

We appreciate your patience during the review process. If additional time is needed, we will communicate any delays and provide updates on the status of your submission.

14# Links

1: Single Relevant Link

You may insert one relevant link within the body of the article. This link should enhance the content by providing additional information or context. Irrelevant or excessive links can detract from the article’s value and readability.

2: Link Quality

Ensure that the link points to a reputable source. High-quality links contribute to the credibility of your article and provide readers with valuable resources.

15# Submission Process

1: How to Submit

To submit your article, please email it to [submission email]. Include your full name, a brief bio, and any relevant social media handles. This information helps us attribute your work correctly and connect you with our audience.

2: Submission Checklist

Before submitting, ensure your article meets all guidelines:

  • Original and exclusive content
  • Non-promotional and community-focused
  • Proofread for typos and grammatical errors
  • Between 1,200 and 2,000 words
  • Proper SEO format
  • Includes at least one infographic
  • Allows for edits and sharing
  • Contains one relevant link

More any questions or further information

We are excited to receive your submissions and share your insights with our audience. By adhering to these guidelines, you contribute to the quality and integrity of our platform. Thank you for your interest in writing for us. Together, we can provide valuable content that informs, educates, and inspires.

For any questions or further information, please contact us at [contact email]. We look forward to your contributions and to building a vibrant creator community.

Short Easy Content Requirements:

  • If you share via email it must be in a Word/Online DOC format.
  • Content tone must be in a natural way (research paper or promotional tone not recommended).
  • It must include relevant headings.
  • It must have transition words (discourse markers).
  • Correct use of grammar and spelling.
  • You should use simple vocabulary instead of superfluous words.
  • Paragraphs must contain short and meaningful sentences.
  • You may add meta description containing between 140 and 160 characters.
  • There is no specific limit for words. Word count is depended on topic idea you chose, some articles may require 2000+ words some might be covered in 300 words.
  • Write orignal content that is unique and well researched. It must have value for our readers, informative, and engaging,
  • The topics must be focused on beauty niche, avoid writing off topic.
  • Submissions must be plagiarism free and not published elsewhere, including our internal blogs.

A Few Examples of Tech Published On Sites:

Find in Easy way Guest Post Accepting Sites Tech Related

Here are some examples to use find in easy way that will help you for accepting guest posting article on website.

  • Write for us tech
  • Technology business write for us
  • Write for us guest post
  • Write for us apps
  • Apps write for us
  • Write for us gadgets
  • Write for us softwares
  • Softwares write for us
  • Guest post technology
  • Tech blogs write for us
  • Technology submit a guest post
  • Business technology write for us
  • Tech blog write for us
  • Write for us + tech blog
  • Tech “guest post”
  • “write for us” tech
  • Write for us “technology”
  • Technology+write for us
  • “Guest Post” + “Ios”
  • “Android” + “Write For Us”
  • Apk + Write For Us
  • “Guest Posting” + “Apk”
  • “Submit Guest Post Tech”
  • “Submit Android Guest Post”
  • “App Development” + “Free Guest Post”
  • “Web Development” “Submit Guest Post”
  • “Web Development ” “Write For Us”
  • “Write For Us Application Development”
  • Technology write for us” + guest post
  • “submit guest post” + “technology”
  • “write for us” technology
  • “submit guest post” + “technology”
  • “submit guest post” + “technology”
  • tech + “write for us”
  • Write with us
  • Write for us digital marketing
  • Write for us seo
  • Write for us blog
  • Web design write for us
  • Social media write for us
  • Web development write for us
  • software write for us
  • content marketing write for us
  • “Cloud Computing” + “Write For Us”
  • “Guest Posting” + “Cybersecurity”
  • Business technology + “write for us”
  • “Write for us” Finance
  • “Write for us” Insurance
  • “Digital marketing” + write for us
  • “Digital marketing” + become a contributor
  • “Digital marketing” + guest blogs
  • “Digital marketing” + submit an article
  • Social media marketing “write for us”
  • SEO + “write for us”
  • Technology “write for us”
  • Business write for us
  • Technology blog “write for us”
  • Technology + “write for us”
  • “Write for us” SEO
  • Social media “write for us”
  • Email marketing + “write for us”
  • “Write For Us Cyber Security”
  • “Guest Post” + “Tech”
  • “Write For Us” + “Ethical Hacking”
  • “Write for us” Digital Marketing
  • “Write for us” Technology
  • Business blog “write for us”
  • Technology blog “write for us”
  • “Write for us” Business Technology
  • Marketing write for us
  • “Submit Virtual Reality Guest Post”
  • “Submit Guest Post Hardware”
  • “Data Analytics” + “Submit Guest Post”
  • “VR” + “Free Guest Post”
  • “Cloud Computing” + “Write For Us”
  • “Guest Posting” + “Software”
  • “Write For Us Networking”
  • “Guest Post” + “Software”
  • “Guest Post” + “Artificial Intelligence”
  • “Machine Learning” + “Write For Us”
  • “Guest Post” + “Iot”
  • “Cloud Computing” + “Write For Us”
  • “Write For Us” + “Ethical Hacking”
  • “Submit Voip Guest Post”
  • “Submit Guest Post Tech”
  • SEO + “becomes a contributor”
  • Social media marketing write for us
  • Content marketing + “write for us”
  • Marketing blogs write for us
  • PPC write for us
  • Artificial Intelligence + “Write for us”
  • Cyber security + “Write for us”
  • Tech blog write for us
  • CRM software + “Write for us”
  • Tech write for us
  • In title: “write for us”
  • mobile app development write for us
  • software development write for us
  • write for us software
  • app development write for us
  • digital marketing write for us guest post
  • Mobile technology write for us
  • Applications write for us
  • write for us technology guest post
  • site write for us technology
  • tech write for us guest post
  • technology guest post guidelines
  • contribute to technology guest post
  • tech blog guest post
  • tech blogs that accept guest posts
  • technology articles write for us
  • technology guest post submission
  • write for us technology content post
  • technology + write for us
  • gadgets write for us
  • softwares write for us
  • guest post software solutions
  • “write for us” digital marketing
  • web development “write for us”
  • “submit guest post” + “technology”
  • “write for us” digital marketing
  • web development “write for us”
  • write for us “tech news”
  • “write for us” + technology
  • technology “write for us”
  • technology write for us” + guest post
  • technology “write for us”
  • write for us + technology
  • in url write for us technology
  • technology + “write for us” + “guest post”
  • tech “write for us”
  • write for us guest post technology
  • technology write for us
  • in url write for us
  • technology “guest post”
  • technology blog “write for us”
  • tech blogs “write for us”
  • tech blog “write for us”
  • technology + write for us + guest post
  • technology + write for us
  • submit guest post + technology
  • technology + “write for us” + guest post
  • web design blog write for us
  • become a guest blogger software solutions
  • become an author software solutions
  • contributing writer software solutions
  • contributor guidelines software development
  • technology”write for us”
  • technology + “write for us” + guest post
  • “write for us” technology
  • write for us “tech”
  • “technology” + “write for us”
  • technology articles write for us
  • write for us “tech blog”
  • submit post “software applications”
  • become a guest blogger “software solutions”
  • guest posting guidelines “software challenges”
  • “write for us” digital marketing
  • web development “write for us”
  • “write for us” seo
  • mobile technology + “write for us”
  • mobile technology “write for us”
  • technology + guest post submission
  • technology + write for us + paid guest post
  • tech”write for us”
  • “write for us” “technology”
  • tech blogs + “write for us”
  • “write for us” tech blog
  • “write for us” + tech blog
  • “technology” “write for us”
  • guest posting guidelines software challenges
  • looking for guest posts software solutions
  • submit an article software development
  • submit post software applications
  • content marketing “write for us”
  • digital marketing + write for us + guest post
  • gadgets “write for us”
  • guest post “software solutions”
  • write for us “software development”
  • become an author “software solutions”
  • submit an article “software development”

Prothots Long Term Relationships with Writers

While guest posting offers immediate benefits in terms of exposure and credibility, its long-term value lies in the relationships you build with editors, site owners, and fellow contributors. Nurture these connections by expressing gratitude for opportunities, providing value through your contributions, and offering to reciprocate in kind. By fostering mutually beneficial relationships within the tech community, you open doors to future collaboration

Prothots Engaging with the Audience

One of the unique advantages of guest posting is the opportunity on Prothots to engage directly with your audience. Encourage readers to share their thoughts, questions, and feedback in the comments section of your post. Take the time to respond to comments promptly and thoughtfully, fostering meaningful discussions and building rapport with your audience. By actively engaging with readers, you not only demonstrate your expertise and authority but also create a sense of community around your content.

Staying Updated with Tech Trends – Pro

Staying informed and up-to-date with the latest trends and developments is essential for maintaining relevance and credibility as a guest contributor. Leverage a variety of resources such as industry blogs, podcasts, and newsletters to stay informed about emerging technologies, market trends, and best practices. Incorporate these insights into your guest posts to provide readers with fresh perspectives and valuable insights that keep them coming back for more.

Details Of Frequently Asked Questions – (FAQs)

Q1: What Type of Content Do You Want?

Answer: We are searching for thoughtful, interesting, and well-researched writing on a wide variety of tech-related topics. Your writing should be conversational, written in simple, approachable language, and add value for our readers.

Q2: Can I Write Human easy words About My Own Experiences?

Answer: Of yes! Visitors might find case studies and personal experiences to be highly interesting and educational. Including your personal story and observations in your writing may give it a distinctive viewpoint.

Q3: How Many Times can you Send in Articles?

Answer: The number of times you may submit articles is unlimited. We invite you to contribute on a regular basis and to write as often as you have insightful things to say.

Q4: What Takes Place When My Article Is Submitted?

Answer: Once you submit it, our staff will check it for human quality and submit it in accordance with our simple guidelines. If adjustments are needed, we will provide our feedback. After it is approved, your article will be published on Prothotsy.com.

Q5: Will My Contribution Be Accepted?

Answer: Yes, you will receive full credit for your contributions. Your byline will appear on every item, and you may include a brief bio with connections to your personal or professional websites.

How to Apply: Send Us Your Ideas Here!

Ready to join the ProThots writing team? Here’s what to do:

    Prothots: We offer free downloads of the best Android and iOS technology apps, and we discover all the latest versions of tech games.

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    • Youtube.com/@Prothotsy Youtube.com/@Prothotsy
    • prothots gmail prothotsy@gmail.com
    • Contact prothots Contact: (308) 034786
    • find prothots 12100 Wilshire Blvd #900, Los Angeles, CA 90025, United States

    4 thoughts on “Write for Us – Technology Guides & Reviews Apps

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