At ProThots, we are passionate about all things gaming and are always looking for excited and knowledgeable gamers to join our writing team. By writing for us, you’ll have the opportunity to reach a large, engaged audience, establish yourself as a gaming authority, and grow as a writer. Our portal offers competitive compensation, games networking opportunities, and the chance to connect with a animated community. Whether you have insights on game genres, platforms, or the latest industry trends, we welcome your expertise to create valuable and engaging content for our readers.

Why Write for ProThots?

Why Write for ProThots?

ProThots is a growing platform that’s gaining recognition as a top destination for gamers desiring extensive, high-quality content. By joining our writing team, you’ll get to:

  • Reach a Large, Engaged Gaming Audience: Our site attracts thousands of passionate gamers for expert advice, fresh perspectives, and compelling gaming stories. Your writing will be seen and appreciated by a dedicated community that shares your love for gaming.
  • Establish Yourself as a Gaming Authority: Showcase your knowledge and build a reputation as a go-to expert in your favorite gaming niches. Our site will provide a platform to share your unique voice and insights with the world.
  • Grow and Develop as a Writer: Point your writing skills and learn from a supportive editorial team committed to helping you produce your best work. You’ll have opportunities to experiment with different formats and topics to grow as a gaming content creator continually.
  • Get Insider Access and Networking Opportunities: Make valuable connections with gaming industry professionals, developers, fellow writers, and influencers. Stay up to date on the latest gaming trends and get early access to upcoming releases.
  • Receive Competitive Compensation: We value great writing and offer competitive rates to our regular contributors. The better your content portal, the more earning potential you’ll have.

At ProThots, we sincerely respect our writers. You’ll be joining an inclusive, collaborative group where your excited for gaming and unique writing talents are celebrated. Our mission is to empower you to create content that both you and our audience will love.

What We Look for in Writers

We’re seeking gamers with the writing chops to create content that’s informative, insightful, and engaging. Our ideal writers are:

Quality DescriptionAttributes
KnowledgeableDeep expertise and experience in the gaming niche(s) you want to write about
Skilled WritersAbility to explain complex topics in a clear, engaging, easy-to-understand way
PassionateGenuine love and enthusiasm for gaming that shines through in your writing
ReliableConsistently deliver high-quality drafts on time, communicating proactively
Growth-OrientedReceptive to editorial feedback and always aiming to improve your craft

Do you check all the boxes? We’d love to hear from you! Keep reading to learn what kind of content we’re looking for and how to apply.

Niche Expertise: Go Deep on the Games and Topics You Love

At ProThots, we know that our audience craves niche-specific content written by gaming authorities. That’s why we’ll match you up with writing opportunities that align with your areas of expertise. The more specialized knowledge you can share, the more value you’ll provide to our readers.

Some of the gaming niches and topics we’re looking for expert coverage on include:

Game Genres

  • FPS/Shooters
  • Action/Adventure
  • RPGs
  • Puzzle/Strategy
  • Sports
  • Racing
  • Horror
  • Platformers
  • Simulation

Gaming Platforms

  • PC (Steam, Epic Games Store)
  • Xbox
  • PlayStation
  • Nintendo
  • VR (Oculus, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR)
  • Mobile (iOS, Android)

Other Key Topics

  • Esports & Competitive Gaming
  • Game Development & Design
  • Gaming Hardware & Peripherals
  • Gaming Culture & Communities
  • Retro & Indie Gaming

Have an idea for a niche we didn’t list? Pitch it to us! We’re always looking to expand our topic coverage based on writer expertise and audience demand.

Content Types: How to Share Your Gaming Know-How

As a ProThots writer, you’ll have the opportunity to flex your creative muscles and experiment with a variety of content formats. Some of the most popular types of posts we publish include:

Gaming Guides & Tutorials

Help our readers improve their skills and get more out of their gaming experience. Whether it’s a detailed walkthrough of a challenging quest, a breakdown of optimal gameplay strategies, or tips for discovering easter eggs and secrets, our audience is hungry for expert guidance.

Guides and tutorials we’re looking for include:

  • Beginner guides
  • Character build guides
  • Endgame/postgame content walkthroughs
  • Achievement/Trophy hunting
  • Gameplay tips & tricks
  • Hidden secrets and easter eggs

Detailed Game Reviews


Our readers want honest, detailed, and insightful reviews that go beyond a simple thumbs-up or down. We’ll look to you to give you an informed assessment of a game’s strengths, weaknesses, and key features. The best reviews put the game in context and help readers decide if it’s the right fit for their tastes and interests.

Your game reviews should cover key points like:

  • Graphics and art style
  • Storyline and character development
  • Gameplay mechanics
  • Difficulty and learning curve
  • Replayability and endgame content
  • Value for the price
  • Bugs/technical issues

Engaging Opinion Articles


Have a hot take on a gaming controversy or trend? Want to share your perspective on the impact of gaming on society? We welcome strong, well-argued opinion pieces that get our audience thinking and talking.

Some ideas for opinion pieces include:

  • Analysis of industry trends and developments
  • Arguments for or against specific game design choices
  • Personal stories and reflections on gaming experiences
  • Critiques of gaming culture and community issues

Informative News Posts

Keep our audience informed on the latest happenings in the world of gaming. We’re looking for timely, well-researched news posts covering major announcements, game releases, esports events, and more.

The key to news posts is providing context and analysis beyond just the facts. Consider questions like:

  • Why does this news matter for gamers?
  • What are the potential implications or ripple effects?
  • How does this development fit into larger industry trends?

Interviews & Profiles

Help us highlight the human side of gaming by conducting interviews with notable developers, esports pros, streamers, and other key figures. The best interviews combine research on the subject’s background with insightful questions that draw out new information and engaging stories.

Some interview/profile ideas include:

  • Up-and-coming indie game developers
  • High-profile esports stars and teams
  • Well-known streamers and content creators
  • Unsung heroes like game designers, sound engineers, etc.

List & “Best Of” Posts

Compiling roundups and lists offers readers quick and easy recommendations and comparisons. We’re interested in list posts showcasing the best (or worst) in various gaming categories.

List-post ideas include:

This is by no means an exhaustive list! If you have an awesome idea for a post that doesn’t fit neatly into one of these categories, we absolutely want to hear it. Our content strategy is driven by the creativity and gaming passion of writers like you. Content Guidelines: Crafting Posts Readers Will Love Content Guidelines: Crafting Posts Readers Will Love

We’re committed to publishing content that’s not only entertaining but genuinely useful to our audience. To that end, we ask that all writers keep these core principles in mind:

  1. Provide Concrete Value Don’t just tell readers that a game is great or a strategy works well – show them. Use specific examples, anecdotes, data, and images to illustrate your points. Avoid fluff and focus on providing actionable information that will help readers make better gaming decisions and get more enjoyment out of playing.
  2. Do Your Research Accuracy and attention to detail are essential for building audience trust. Double-check your facts, properly attribute quotes and data, and include links to relevant sources. If you’re unsure about something, take the time to look it up or ask our editorial staff.
  3. Prioritize Storytelling The best gaming content educates and informs while also telling a compelling story. Look for opportunities to hook readers with strong ledes, descriptive language, and narrative elements. Adopt a conversational, engaging tone that makes readers feel like they’re chatting with a knowledgeable friend.
  4. Write to Inform, Not Ignite Gaming can get controversial, and there’s certainly a place for nuanced discussions of sensitive issues. However, we will not publish content that’s needlessly inflammatory, derogatory, or hateful. Provide well-reasoned analysis supported by facts, not combative vitriol.
  5. Disclose Relevant Relationships Our audience’s trust is our most valuable asset. Disclose any relationships (personal or professional) you have with studios, publishers, developers, gaming personalities, etc. – especially if you’re reviewing or recommending a product they’re involved with. Not sure if a disclosure is needed? Just ask!
  6. Be a Team Player. Your ProThots editor is here to help you do your best work. Welcome constructive feedback and maintain open, timely communication throughout the writing and revision process. Be reliable in meeting deadlines and following our content guidelines. Share other ProThots writers’ work and help promote our collective mission.

How to Apply: Send Us Your Best Ideas

Ready to join the ProThots writing team? Here’s what to do:

    1. Send an email to with the subject line: ProThots Writing Application – [Your Name]
    2. In the email body, include a brief intro telling us about:
      • Your gaming background and areas of expertise       
      • Your writing experience
      • What makes you excited to write for ProThots
    3. Attach relevant writing samples (ideally gaming-related)
    4. Include 2-3 specific, original article ideas you’d like to write for us.

    Our editorial team will review your application and be in touch within 3 business days if it seems like a potential fit. If accepted, you’ll receive further info about our onboarding process, article pitching, deadlines, and compensation.

    Note: All writing published on ProThots must be original content exclusive to our site. We only accept original content that hasn’t been published anywhere else.

    Help Us Make Gaming Better

    Help Us Make Gaming Better

    The gaming community deserves better. In an era of recycled press releases, shallow clickbait, and poorly researched pseudo-journalism, ProThots aims to be a beacon of integrity, insight, and truly valuable content.

    By sharing your knowledge, perspective, and passion, you can help us build a new kind of gaming publication – one that genuinely informs, enlightens, and improves the gaming experience for our audience.

    Ready to go on this experience and make a real difference in the gaming community? Send us your application, and let’s get started! Together, we will create content that both you and our audience will be proud of.