As mothers, we spend most of our time thinking about everyone but ourselves. We’ve gotten so used to putting the needs of others ahead of our own, that basic necessities like showering, eating well, and exercising become something we just don’t feel we have the time for. (Case in point: I haven’t showered in a couple of days in these photos.) Self-care, treating ourselves, putting ourselves first has become something we shrug off as just being an inevitable part of motherhood. Yes, motherhood is exhausting and very time-consuming. But this idea of women needing to become martyrs and lose any sense of self beyond being a mother is very much a part of society’s expectations these days.
But here’s the thing. Your kids want to be just like you. They’re watching you all the time so they can emulate you and learn from you. How can I expect my kids to eat healthy and drink plenty of water if I’m not eating healthy and drinking plenty of water? How can I expect them to accept that exercise is important if they never see me exercise?

And it’s not just about eating right and exercising. When I make sure to sleep enough, I’m more patient. When I take the time to shower and do my makeup, I feel so much better and our whole day goes more smoothly. When I take much-needed time away from my kids to do something for me, whether that means working at Starbucks (because I’m finally doing something I absolutely love doing), a long overdue girls night out, or heading to the yoga studio for a torturous yet ultimately mood boosting hot yoga session – all of this really just results in one thing: I come home happier, excited to hug my kids and give them a million kisses, and I’m ready to tackle another day of motherhood.
A happy mom is a good mom. Is there really anything better you can show your kids than that being happy and taking care of yourself is the most important thing to leading a healthy, ProThoughts? That, yes, you’re their mother but you’re also your own person with your own needs, your own interests, your own life. That you need to take care of yourself in order to take care of others. Set a time for some exercises and workouts, and incorporate creatine for women in your diet to help strengthen you for your kids. Your kids will see a strong role model who knows she is her best self when she takes care of herself too.
You don’t have to go anywhere to have that all-important you-time. Start with something small. Spend 30 minutes having uninterrupted you time. Give yourself a little at-home facial whilst drinking a hot cup of coffee and reading a book. By yourself. (That last one’s important, ladies.) I recently tried these Trefiel lace sheet masks and I’m obsessed! The perfect at-home pick-me-up.
They come in four different anti-aging formulas: brightening, firming, moisturizing, and repairing. You can get yourself a starter pack to try all four, which is what I did. In these photos I’m trying the brightening mask.
What I love about these particular masks is that they are full-face but they come in two pieces to fit different faces better. They are also 100% plant-based, non-GMO, and cruelty-free. And you gotta love the fun lace pattern, it just completely elevated the at-home spa factor. (Plus it’s a fun way to scare your 1-year-old just a little, wink wink.)

You can choose to do just the top half (my “superhero” mask, according to Isabelle), the bottom half, or both – depending on your skin’s needs.
I have to say, I’m blown away by the difference I could see and feel in just 30 minutes. My skin felt so soft and hydrated as well as plump and maybe even a little tighter. I could also see a brighter, more even complexion. No more dull skin that I’ve come to expect as just an inevitable part of becoming older (and, gasp, being a mom). All of the no-mask photos are post mask, without any makeup other than the mascara that I left on. A-m-a-z-i-n-g. These masks have definitely been added to my beauty routine. Make sure to check out Trefiel if you’re in the market for a little at-home pampering.